Changeability of Strange Dream

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夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
Yumetagae Kagaku Seiki ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
Yumetagae Kagaku Seiki ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
Cover van Changeability of Strange Dream
Uitgegeven 30 dec 2004 (Comiket 67)
Catalog no. ZCDS-0003
Nummers 11
Lengte 49:06
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Yumetagae Kagaku Seiki ~ Changeability of Strange Dream (夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream?, lett. “ ~ Veranderlijkheid van een rare droom”) is een album door Team Shanghai Alice uitgebracht op 30 december 2004. Het is het derde deel van ZUN's Music Collection, die het album heeft gecomponeerd. ZUN heeft de album de nummering "vol.3" heeft gegeven.


1. 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (05:09) (Warabesai)
"__ ~ Onschuldige schatten" ("Kid's Festival ~ Innocent Treasures")
2. 華胥の夢 (05:31) (Kasho no Yume)
"Dream of Arcadia"
3. 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (05:17) (Shanhai Kouchakan)
"_____ ~ Chinese thee" ("Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea")
originele titel: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea
oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
4. ヴォヤージュ1969 (03:59) (Voyage 1969)
"Tocht 1969" ("Voyage 1969")
originele titel: ヴォヤージュ1969
oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
5. 科学世紀の少年少女 (03:24) (Kagaku Seiki no Shounen Shoujo)
"Boys and Girls of Science Era"
6. 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night (03:30) (Eiya no Mukui)
"_____ ~ Onvergankelijke nacht" ("Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night")
originele titel: 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night
oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
7. 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star (03:34) (Yoru ga Orite Kuru)
"_______ ~ Avondster" ("Night Falls ~ Evening Star")
originele titel: 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star
oorsprong: 東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
8. 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 (05:55) (Ningyou Saiban ~ Hito no Katachi Moteasobishi Shoujo)
"Doll Judgment ~ The Girl who Played with People's Shapes"
originele titel: 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
9. 夢と現の境界 (04:43) (Yume to Gen no Kyoukai)
"Border Between Dream and Reality"
10. 幻想機械 ~ Phantom Factory (04:00) (Gensou Kikai)
"____ ~ Geestenfabriek" ("Phantasm Machine ~ Phantom Factory")
originele titel: 幻想科学 ~ Doll's Phantom
oorsprong: 秋霜玉
11. 幽玄の槭樹 ~ Eternal Dream (03:02) (Yuugen no Kaede)
"_____ ~ Eeuwige nacht" ("Mystical Maple ~ Eternal Dream")
originele titel: Eternal Dream ~ 幽玄の槭樹
oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night


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Per nummer

Nummer 1: Warabesai — "Innocent Treasures"

Titel: Innocent Treasures

Nummer 2: 53 Kasho ne Yume — "Paradisiacal Daydream"

Titel: Paradisiacal Daydream

Nummer 3: Shanhai Kouchakan — "Chinese Tea"

Titel: Chinese Tea

Nummer 4: Voyage 1969 — "1969, from Cape Canaveral"

Titel: 1969, from Cape Canaveral

Nummer 5: Kagaku Seiki no Shounen Shoujo — "21th Century Boy and Girl"

Titel: 21th Century Boy and Girl

Nummer 6: Eiya no Mukui — "Imperishable Night"

Titel: Imperishable Night

Nummer 7: Yoru ga Orite Kuru ~ Evening Star — "Evening Star"

Titel: Evening Star

Nummer 8: Ningyou Saiban ~ Hito no Katachi Moteasobishi Shoujo — "Doll Master"

Titel: Doll Master

Nummer 9: Yume to Gen no Kyoukai — "Wake up Mysterious Girl"

Titel: Wake up Mysterious Girl

Nummer 10: Gensou Kikai — "Phantom Factory"

Titel: History of the Moon

Nummer 11: Yuugen no Kaede — "Eternal Dream"

Titel: Eternal Dream


ZUN heeft ook nog commentaar op het album gegeven.

Bekijk commentaar

“It may be the first time meeting you. I'm ZUN. I perform in a band comprised solely of kannushi. Of course that's a lie. I'm a kannushi, handling all of the fine details at the Hakurei Shrine.

The release of this kind CD was rather unexpected. Wait, is this already my third one? This CD is all sorts of creepy. C'mon, cross your fingers at it and just disregard it entirely.

But seriously, the songs I chose are those composed for my many previous releases. But most of the tracks are basically made for shooting games, so they're so intense, it can get tiring. They're all songs that you would never listen to by themselves, yeah? You wouldn't, right? That's why I gave them another story (meaning), because the games have their own story. Balance is everything.

The first track "Childen's Festival" was my own entry theme for a panel some time ago. I've composed plenty of theme songs for many kinds of characters, but it was incredibly hard to write one for me, and a little embarrassing. Actually, the song even has lyrics. Oh, the comment for the track turns into the lyrics. In this song that comes and goes between dreams and reality, which is the truth?

I'm not so worried about where the "Sealing Club" is headed, but... Yes, Merry and Renko, who was featured in the text and is part of the mysterious "Sealing Club" that participates in all sorts of occult activities. While I didn't go into great detail, has scientific progress prevented them from eating wild bamboo shoots? What a pity.

But maybe they can have miso soup with crested ibis. Synthetically, that is.

Thoughts like that make me believe the future will be full of dreams.

It's too dangerous for children to have fun outside, so they have to stay inside trying to guess the emotions of other people on the internet (Even if you're adult, it's difficult to do) and there are no adults correcting their mistakes. So on the rare chance they do get scolded, they get mad. The internet at the moment may be too strict for children to learn how to have a proper social life.

Still, even in this country whose children's hearts become smaller and smaller, perhaps the day will come when the streets will be filled with the smiles of children. Synthetically, that is.

Team Shanghai Alice: ZUN (Bamboo shoot lover)”
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