Cradle -Touhou Gengaku Shiten- (Cradle -東方幻樂祀典- Cradle -Tōhō Gengaku Shiten-?, lett. “ ~ Akyu's”) is een album door sound sepher uitgebracht op 15 augustus 2004. De nummers zijn gecomponeerd door verschillende artiesten, waarvan de meest opvallende ZUN is.
Componist: Jun.A van "sound sepher"
Componist: setzer
Componist: Eru van "Hellion Sounds"
Componist: ESTi
Componist: Godspeed van "ViViX"
Componist: Hizuru
Componist: JOYH-TV
Componist: Lix
Componist: nagi
Componist: Nauts
Componist: supply
Componist: WORRY
Componist: zts van "Code ZTS Label"
Componist: ZUN van "Team Shanghai Alice"
Componist: Seibyou (青猫 Seibyō?)
Componist: Azu♪ (あず♪?) van "kimino-museum"
Componist: Saitama Saishuu Heiki (埼玉最終兵器 Saitama Saishū Heiki?)
Componist: Tabibito Kurenainagi (紅薙 たびびと Kurenainagi Tabibito?)
Componist: Kyouya Hashimoto (橋本 鏡也 Hashimoto Kyōya?)
Componist: Akihito Manaka (真中 あきひと Manaka Akihito?)
Componist: Tsukasa Yatoki (矢鴇 つかさ Yatoki Tsukasa?)
Componist: Eiichirou Yanagi (柳 英一郎 Yanagi Eiichirō?)
Componist: Yuu (ゆう Yū?)
Componist: Kujira Shionagi (汐凪 くじら Shionagi Kujira?)
Ontwerp: SHN'
Illustrator: x6suke van "Sora Hate"
Producer: Yuuna Morisawa
Disc1 - Akoestische zijde
1. ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 (02:33) (Hoozuki Mitai ni Akai Tamashii) |
"A Soul that is Red, like a Ground Cherry" |
componist: setzer |
- originele titel: ほおずきみたいに紅い魂
- oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
2. ルーネイトエルフ (03:20) (Lunate Elf) |
"Dwazig elfje" ("Lunate Elf") |
componist: Eiichirou Yanagi |
- originele titel: ルーネイトエルフ
- oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
3. 遠野幻想物語 (05:28) (Touno Gensou Monogatari) |
"The Fantastic Tales from Tono" |
componist: Eru |
- originele titel: 遠野幻想物語
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
4. 妖魔夜行 (04:08) (Youma Yakou) |
"Apparitions Stalk the Night" |
componist: Nauts |
- originele titel: 妖魔夜行
- oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
5. 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World (06:08) (Natsukashiki Touhou no Chi ~ Old World) |
"________ ~ Oude wereld" ("Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World") |
componist: nagi |
- originele titel: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
6. 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 (04:01) (Ningyou Saiban ~ Hito no Katachi Moteasobishi Shoujo) |
"____ ~ ________" ("Doll Judgment ~ The Girl who Played with People's Shapes") |
componist: Godspeed |
- originele titel: 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
7. 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes I (04:58) (Genshi no Yoru ~ Ghostly Eyes I) |
"____ ~ Geestachtige ogen I" ("Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes") |
componist: Saitamasai Shuuheiki |
- originele titel: 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
8. 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life (04:13) (Yuuga ni Sakase, Sumizome no Sakura ~ Border of Life) |
"Bloei edel, inkt-zwarte kersenbloesem ~ Grens van het leven" ("Bloom Nobly, Ink-black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life") |
componist: WORRY |
- originele titel: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
9. 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World (06:06) (Natsukashiki Touhou no Chi ~ Old World) |
"________ ~ Oude werelde" ("Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World") |
componist: Kurenainagi Tabibito |
- originele titel: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
10. さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream... (04:13) (Sakura Sakura ~ Japanize Dream...) |
"Kersenbloesem, kersenbloesem ~ Japaniserende droom..." ("Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream...") |
componist: Azu |
- originele titel: さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream...
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
11. 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird (03:50) (Yosuzume no Utagoe ~ Night Bird) |
"______ ~ Nachtenvogel" ("Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird") |
componist: Akihito Manaka |
- originele titel: 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
12. プレインエイジア (04:01) (Plain Asia) |
"Standaard Azië" ("Plain Asia") |
componist: supply |
- originele titel: プレインエイジア
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
13. 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble (04:03) (Yuurei Gakudan ~ Phantom Ensemble) |
"_____ ~ Spook gezelschap" ("Ghostly Band ~ Phantom Ensemble") |
componist: ESTi |
- originele titel: 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
14. 紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream... (04:44) (Benirou ~ Eastern Dream...) |
"Karmozijnrode toren ~ Oosterse droom..." ("Crimsom Dream ~ Eastern Dream...") |
componist: Seibyou |
- originele titel: 紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream...
- oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
15. 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (04:50) (Shanhai Kouchakan ~ Chinese Tea) |
"_____ ~ Chinese thee" ("Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea") |
componist: Kujira Shionagi |
- originele titel: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea
- oorsprong: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
16. シンデレラケージ (05:42) (Cinderella Cage) |
"Cinderella kooi" ("Cinderella Cage") |
componist: ZUN |
- originele titel: シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome
- oorsprong: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
17. 妖々跋扈 ~ Speed Fox! (04:41) (Youyou Bakko ~ Speed Fox!) |
"____ ~ Snelle vos!" ("Bewitching Domination ~ Speed Fox") |
componist: ZUN |
- originele titel: 妖々跋扈
- oorsprong: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
Disc2 - Club Remixes zijde